Review your school's SEN Information Report

As an education provider, you must follow the SEND code of practice. To do so, you must review and update your SEN Information Report at least once per year.

This applies to all schools, academies, free schools and colleges, including non-maintained special schools and independent providers (approved under Section 41 of the Children and Families Act).

To ensure compliance we advise that you read 'What needs to be included on your SEN Information Report' below. This will ensure you answer key points in regards to how your school makes provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) regardless of whether they have Education Health and Care (EHC) Plans or not.

How do I update my school's information?

It is your school's responsibility to ensure that your SEN Information Report and SEN Policy is easily identifiable and accessible on your website. Once you have reviewed and updated your report, we request that you share this information with us so that we can add this to your school's entry in the Leicestershire Local Offer. This will provide a direct link to your report so that it is accessible to parents.

What needs to be included in your School SEN Information Report (Local Offer)

Please ensure you make reference to the Leicestershire Local Offer and include the correct link in your school's SEN Information Report and/or website:

  • What policies do you have in place for identifying those pupils with SEND and assessing their needs?
    Include link to your SEN Policies
  • What are the arrangements for consulting parents / carers of SEND pupils about, and involving them in the education of their child?
  • Describe how you would support a parent/carer with a concern or a young person who was worried about their learning.
  • What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEND about, and involving them in, their education?
  • What arrangements do you have for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with SEND, and progress towards their outcomes?
    This should include opportunities available to parents & pupils as part as their assessment review.
  • How do you support pupils with SEND transferring between phases of education or in preparing for adulthood and independent living?
    Note: As young people prepare for adulthood outcomes should reflect their ambitions i.e. moving into FE/HE, employment, independent living, participating in the community.
  • What is your approach to teaching pupils with SEND?
  • How will you adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEND?
  • What expertise and training does your staff have in relation to supporting and teaching pupils with SEND and how is this specialist expertise secured?
  • How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your provisions for pupils with SEND?
  • How will you provide additional support to aid the learning of pupils with SEND?
  • How will equipment and facilities, to support pupils with SEND, be secured?
  • How are pupils with SEND enabled to engage in activities available to their peers without SEND?
    Provide details of what activities you make available for pupils with SEND, in addition to those available in accordance with the curriculum.
  • What support is available for improving the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND?
    This should include extra pastoral support arrangements for listening to the views of pupils with SEND, and the measures your school/college has in place to prevent bullying.
  • How does the governing body involve other bodies (including health and social services, local authority support services and voluntary organisations) in meeting the needs of these pupils and supporting their families?
  • What arrangements are made by the governing body or proprietor, relating to the treatment of complaints, from parents and carers of pupils with SEND, concerning the provision made at your school/college?
  • Provide details for the support services for parents and carers of these pupils, including those for arrangements made in accordance with Section 32 (Children and Families Act 2014).
  • How do you contribute to the publication of Leicestershire County Council's Local Offer?

Regulation 3 Special Educational Needs and Disability (information) Regulations (2014). Refer to 'Publishing Information: SEN information Report' in Chapter 6 SEN Code of Practice (PDF)