Moving between nurseries, schools and colleges

Sharing information to help a child with special educational needs and disabilities before they move to another childcare provider, school or college.

Information for early years providers and schools

Early Years providers, schools and colleges should plan a child’s move to another nursery, school or college. 

The nursery, school or college will need to:

  • decide what important information should be shared and who to share it with
  • find someone to arrange visits for the child and their parents or carers to the new nursery, school or college 
  • get photos of the new room and people the child will come into contact with and give them to the parents or carers

Sharing information

The child’s current nursery, school or college should get the parents’ agreement about what information can be shared.

The shared information should include:

  • ‘transition summary’ – a written profile of the child, including how they're progressing, their likes and dislikes and other useful information for teachers
  • who the child’s friends are
  • important medical information 
  • what the child has learned – shared with the receiving teacher


You can review the child’s SEND Support Plan or EHC Plan and move them to the new plans from statements and Learning Disability Assessments as part of the planning for their move.

Early years providers

Early years providers can fill in the ‘Transition into school form’ to send information about a child to the new early years provider or school. You can fill in the form with the child’s parent or carer or with the permission of the parent or carer.