Referring children for speech and language therapy

Information for early years providers and schools on when and how to refer children for speech and language therapy.

Speech and Language Service for families, young people and children

Leicestershire Partnership NHS trust provides a team of speech and language therapists and support workers


As a school professional or early years provider, you are able to refer children aged 0 to 16 years and young people aged 16 to 19 years in statutory school education - such as special school provision - to the Speech and Language Service.

You'll need to make sure that any child or young person you refer meets the following criteria:

  • an inability to communicate his/her basic needs at the level of their peers
  • speech, language and communication difficulties that are severely restricting social interaction
  • speech, language and communication difficulties that are significantly affecting ability to access the curriculum
  • language difficulties – for example, in understanding spoken language, in expressive language, in using language for social interaction
  • speech sound difficulties
  • a difficulty speaking fluently – for example stammering or stuttering
  • voice difficulties
  • eating and drinking difficulties