Foster Care Training

Find out about our upcoming training courses and how the Virtual School family can help you to support your foster child through education.

Foster carer smiling and laughing with birth child and foster child

Supporting Independent Living Skills in Post 16 Young People

This training is ideal for: foster carers

Supporting young people with independent living skills is a key area of responsibility and understanding for all corporate parents. This is a core course for those supporting our older young people.


  • To understand the role of foster carers in helping young people to learn the skills they will need to move into independence.
  • To consider what type of activities we already use to support these skills and to share ideas.
  • To find out about other resources which could be used.
  • To understand how the use of a consistent accreditation system can support young people to engage in the process.
  • To be familiar with the ASDAN award process.
  • To learn how to meet the expectations required to complete the ASDAN award and to pass the moderation and certification process.

Date: Thursday 12 June 2025, 10am - 12.30pm
Venue: County Hall, Glenfield

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