Note: consult properties of frontages with interest either side of the proposed location of the structure/equipment. The number of owners or occupiers likely to be affected by/interested in an application may depend on the nature of the proposal, and the number of properties in close proximity to the location of the proposed structure/equipment and the county council may on receipt of the application, ask you to consult more widely.
A structure licence will be required for any of the following:
- Benches
- Bollards
- Bus shelters
- Gates
- Litter bins
- Mobile vehicle activated sign
- Notice boards
- Planters
- Plaques
- Signs
We will consider other items not listed above if they meet our structural licence criteria.
Before you apply
You will need the following documents when submitting your application as we will be unable to process your application without these:
- scale map pointing to the location of the structure/equipment
- detailed description of the structure/equipment with a specification. (Photographs can be provided in addition to this)
- in date Public Liability Insurance (PLI) certificate (minimum indemnity of £10 million)
- evidence of any consultation undertaken (if applicable)
- planning permission approval (if applicable)
Please read all the guidance below before applying for a structure licence:
Consultations (if applicable) must be carried out with all owners/occupiers of adjacent land or properties. This includes erecting site notices near the application area to ensure the structure/equipment will not be a nuisance to them or to highway users.
Planning permission
Confirmation of planning permission (if applicable) is required from the local authority. Contact the local authority if you're not sure.
Temporary excavation in the highway licence
The Temporary excavation in the highway licence (if applicable) must be completed if the structure/equipment is to be installed in the ground.
Statutory underground checks
Consultations must be undertaken with Statutory Undertakers (if applicable) and no equipment shall be sited at the application area and/or they have no objection to the structure/equipment in accordance with this application.
Public liability insurance
The applicant must indemnify the county council against any incident arising that would not have occurred if the structure had not been erected. This indemnity must be a minimum of 10 million pounds.
Approved contractors
That the installation of the structure/equipment will be undertaken by NRSWA contractors who maintain public liability insurance of £10 million and any damage caused to the highway shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the county council within 7 days.
Notice of structure or equipment
7 days notice must be provided to the county council before the structure/equipment being installed at the location indicated on the plan.
Specification of structure or equipment
The structure/equipment shall only be of a design and specification approved by the county council.
Location of structure or equipment
No part of the structure/equipment shall be less than 0.5m from the kerb face or interfere with the visibility from nearby junctions and private driveways.
Scale plan of structure or equipment
A plan must be provided at a scale of 1:500 unless otherwise agreed by an authorised officer of the county council.
Maintenance and inspection of structure or equipment
That the structure/equipment must be inspected regularly and maintained to a safe and acceptable standard. If repairs or modifications are required, the responsible party must immediately complete the necessary work within 14 days of such notification.
Make sure that the structure or equipment is not a nuisance or hazard to any person or highway user.
Removal of structure or equipment by highway authority
The structure/equipment may be removed if required by the county council, as the Highway Authority. This will be at the applicant's expense.
Application form
An application form can be requested by contacting the Special Projects Team, email:
The fee for this application is £235. Payment must be made via BACS before the approval of this application.