Day opportunities

Services and framework for day opportunities, as well as the commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities for the future.

Current services

The majority of day opportunities are commissioned through the council’s Community Life Choices (CLC) framework. The framework was recommissioned in November 2021 for a period of 2 years, with the option to extend for up to two more years. The framework was extended for one year, until November 2024, and has subsequently been extended for a second year, until November 2025.

The CLC framework can be reopened if required, such as when the council identifies gaps in the market. In June 2024, there were no plans to reopen the framework.

The framework includes the provision of building-based day services, community services and one-to-one support in the community.  It is organised into lots: 

  • Learning Disability and/or Autism 
  • Physical and Sensory Disabilities 
  • Mental Health Needs 
  • Specialist Dementia Support 
  • Older people, over 55 
  • Profound and multiple Learning Disabilities 
  • Managed Personal Assistant (PA) services 

There are 30 providers on the CLC Framework, 27 of which have active packages with the council. There are providers operating within all districts of the county. 
The six bandings represent the differing levels of support an individual may require and the cost of Community Life Choices Services. [Explanation to be included of each band]

Building based and community based CLC rates from 7 April 2025
Band Band description Half day rate per service user Hourly rate Full day rate per service user
Band A   Includes activity packs (only available in some circumstances when building based services are closed) and teleconferencing activity (for up to 20 people) which are equivalent to a half-day session. Low level need, where a support worker may need to keep an eye on emotional wellbeing, can be used to offer carers a break.  £16.18 N/A £32.36
Band B  A standard level of support, may need prompting with personal care and medication.  May need support in some areas, for example assessing risks, with managing money, emotional wellbeing.  £26.22 N/A £52.44
Band C  A high level of support, will often need support in a range of areas, for example keeping safe, eating/drinking, personal care, managing long term health conditions, communication, making choices and decisions on a day to day basis.  £39.21 N/A £78.42
Band D  Intensive 1 to 1 support, with full specialised support with personal care and with a Support Worker with them throughout the day.  £78.70 N/A £157.40 
Band E Additional hourly (to be used with band C and D only).  An hourly rate to cover periods of the day when additional 1:1 or 2:1 support is required.  N/A £17.14 N/A
Band F Hourly (Individual support assistant, 1:1 welfare call or teleconferencing activity) 
An hourly rate for 1:1 support in the home and/or out in the community.
N/A £21.47 N/A

People also choose to use direct payments to purchase their daytime support, which can be commissioned with a framework provider or a non-framework provider. 
In December 2021, the council changed its in-house day service provision and following this, people have been gradually transitioning into other services. Service capacity for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities has increased. In November 2021, 77 people were accessing in-house day services and in January 2023, 10 people were still using in house day services.

The number of people accessing day services through the framework and in-house services
  Aged 18-64 Aged 65+ Total
Autumn 2015 566 288 849
March 2019 577 166 723
August 2020 588 144 702
June 2021 531 134 665
January 2023 535 101 636
June 2024 556 95 651
The total number of people supported per primary category of need 
Primary Category of Need Age 18 - 64  Age 65+ Total No. of People supported (Jan 2023)
Mental Health 37 8 45
Learning Disability and/or Autism 444 31 475 
Physical Disability, Sensory Impairment, Support with Memory and Cognition 75 56 131
All needs (total) 556 95 651

CLC services have historically been predominantly used by people with a learning disability and/or autistic people. 73% of people using the service in June 2024 having a learning disability and/or autistic people, in January 2023 it was 73% in June 2021 this was 75% and in 2016 it was 65%.

When the current CLC framework was introduced, the council wanted to see greater diversity in the services being offered, including people with mental health needs, living with dementia, people over 55 and carers.

The number of people with mental health needs using CLC services has increased, with 45 people being supported in June 2024, compared with 34 in June 2021.  Other service groups have not seen a similar increase. 

Commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities

The council wishes to develop its supported employment offer, by exploring the scope of existing services, the potential for short term, focused interventions and consideration of a CLC lot to focus on supported employment.

The current CLC framework has been extended, with recommissioning to take place by November 2025.

There are shortages of services for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities across the County, but especially in Market Harborough, Melton Mowbray and Loughborough.

The council would like to increase the availability of managed PA services, especially across the eastern parts of the county.

Page last updated in February 2025.