Market position statement

Older people laughing

The market position statement summarises supply and demand in the county, highlighting business opportunities within the care market county wide.

An introduction to the purpose of a market position statement, as well as information about its legislative and strategic background, strategic commissioning intentions and transformation, engagement and co-production, demography of Leicestershire, self-funders, the adult social care workforce and joint commissioning.

The council’s home care services, waiting times for people waiting to receive a package of care, recruitment and retention of staff and commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities.

The current market position for care homes as well as commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities, including the accommodation strategy for older people 2016-2026.

Services for people living with Dementia in Leicestershire such as the Dementia Support Service (DSS), as well as commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities to include a set of principles to aid providers deliver dementia care.

Find out about current demand, commissioning, capacity, and future commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities for Extra Care in Leicestershire.

Services for people to manage their mental health and increase their resilience, and commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities for the future.

Supported living services, future supply and demand and commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities.

Services and framework for day opportunities, as well as the commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities for the future.

Sustainability of provision for our services which include a number of 'dual registered' services within Leicestershire. These aim to maximise a young person's independence, build on their strengths and networks of support, promote individual wellbeing and enable them to maximise choice and control over their lives.

Support for carers over the age of 18 across Leicestershire and future intentions for continued support, which can be found in the joint LLR Carer's Strategy 2022-2025.

The different types of advocacy and future intentions for the service.

Information about how direct payments work and the council's intentions to make access to these even more straightforward in the future.

The council's prevention activities.

The different kinds of technology enabled care currently on offer and future areas for development in care technology.