Supported living

Supported living services, future supply and demand and commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities.

Temporary hold on responding to new proposals for accommodation

There are several developments planned across the County in the next 2 years. This places us in a good position to meet the level of demand. There is confidence that most of these schemes will be completed between now and 2025. 

We are therefore unable to respond to any new proposals for accommodation until the end of March 2025.

In the interim, urgent, or specific accommodation need emerging during this time is likely to be based on the needs of individuals i.e., supporting hospital discharge or residential care home closure. These needs will be communicated via the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) in the first instance.

For further information, please see our SCIP market statement:

Should you require any clarification on the above please email

Current services

Supported living enables people to live an ordinary life and contribute to their community, by having their own place to live, with support they need. 

Supported living in Leicestershire is commissioned via the Council’s Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). The DPS began in December 2019 and has been the commissioning method for new supported living requirements from April 2021. 
The primary commissioning method via the DPS is through mini competitions. The current mini competition process involves 2 stages with providers scored on a 30% (price) / 70% (quality) split for packages followed by an assessment by the provider for the individual’s needs and outcomes.

The DPS has provision for a ‘direct award’ process. This means that providers on the DPS can be awarded packages of care directly without a DPS mini-competition, in certain circumstances. As of 19/06/2024, there are 108 providers on the DPS.  

People living in Supported Living, June 2024
Support need Number %
Learning Disability and / or autism 402 75% 
Mental Health 80 15%
Physical Support 38 7% 
Social Support 10 1.9%
Memory & Cognition 5 0.9% 
Sensory Support 1 0.2%
Total 536   

In June 2024 there were TBC providers supporting people within Supported Living, including three schemes operated by the county council.

In June there were 41  people waiting for Supported Living. 

Number of people waiting for supported living by support needs
Support needs Number  % 
Learning disability and/or autism 23 56% 
Mental health 15 37% 
Physical disability 3  7% 
Number of people waiting for supported living by age
Age of people waiting Number
Under 18 4 10% 
18 to 20 1 2.5% 
21 to 24 5 12% 
25 to 64 30 73% 
Over 64 1 2.5% 
Total waiting 41  

The number of people with a learning disability across all age groups is predicted to increase significantly between 2020 and 2040 (including by 19.6% for people of working age, and 92.3% for those over 85 years old).

Between 2020 and 2040, the total population predicted to have an autistic spectrum disorder of working age is expected to increase by 11.2%.

There are currently shortages in specialist and complex supported living services, including for those within the Transforming Care cohort. There are also service shortages within some geographical areas, as well as for some specific service needs, such as wheelchair accessible and ground floor accommodation. 
The Social Care Investment Team (SCIP) work collaboratively with property owners, developers, investors, or supported living providers looking to provide supported living accommodation to meet the needs of Leicestershire. They can provide support and guidance on national and local standards

Commissioning aspirations, intentions and opportunities

In general, Charnwood (Loughborough), North-West Leicestershire (Coalville) and Hinckley remain the areas which see the highest demand but more recently Harborough District and Melton Borough has also seen demand increase. Melton in particular has a lack of supply.

Due to an increase in activity around supported accommodation in 2021-22 and 2022-23, there are several pipeline developments coming on stream across the County in 2023. For the short to medium term (2024-2025), the Council is currently seeking:

  • Smaller developments in specific locations (ideally less than 8 units), particularly in Melton and Market Harborough
  • Smaller developments in general, ideally 8-10 maximum
  • The inclusion of fully wheelchair accessible spaces within any new development
  • Internal space standard of 47 sqm for a one-bedroom apartment and 56 sqm for a wheelchair accessible apartment to be achieved as far as is viable on a particular site 
  • Locations with good public transport links, off road parking and where possible, external space for tenants
  • Locations with accessible links to wider community resources and amenities 

Potential new shared supply should consider sustainability given the changing profile of demand: 

  • Younger adults with emotional behaviour support needs and mental health 
  • Reduced mobility and requirements for fully wheelchair accessible, bariatric needs and/or ground floor facilities 
  • Internal and external communal space and how it is utilised
  • Adequate sound insulation and adequate storage 

Those with learning disability remain the highest category of service user living within supported accommodation. However, general areas of growth for Leicestershire include: 

  • those with mental health conditions, with a focus on recovery, resilience, and support with substance misuse 
  • young adults with disabilities (transitions), aged 16-20, in particular ‘step-through’ provision 
  • individuals who require fully accessible wheelchair accommodation, including for those with bariatric needs 
  • older adults with a learning disability who have additional needs (dementia, substance misuse, mobility issues)
  • individuals who previously came under the umbrella of the Transforming Care Programme (TCP) now referred to as of complex need or Learning Disability and Autism

Explore potential development opportunities by emailing at the earliest stage. 

Page last updated in February 2025.