Temporary hold on responding to new proposals for accommodation
There are several developments planned across the County in the next 2 years. This places us in a good position to meet the level of demand. There is confidence that most of these schemes will be completed between now and 2025.
We are therefore unable to respond to any new proposals for accommodation until the end of March 2025.
In the interim, urgent, or specific accommodation need emerging during this time is likely to be based on the needs of individuals i.e., supporting hospital discharge or residential care home closure. These needs will be communicated via the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) in the first instance.
For further information, please see our SCIP market statement:
Should you require any clarification on the above please email scip@leics.gov.uk
Meeting the needs of people in Leicestershire
Our county has a growing population, with an expected rise of around 85,000 people by the year 2038. This means there is a rise in demand on suitable accommodation, particularly for older people.
Our ambition is to develop different housing options, including housing with care and accommodation with support schemes, to cater for the wide-ranging and demanding needs of our county.
By 2037, we want to have developed housing offering different care and community options, in a range of locations for both older adults and working age adults with disabilities.
Quarterly Demand and Unmet Needs Data
The quarterly demand update provides the market with details of short- and medium-term demand for supported accommodation.
Frequently asked questions for different groups of investors
Here are some frequently asked questions if you're:
- Currently a service provider or developer looking to move into providing supported living accommodation or support
- A private individual or family looking to invest in supported living accommodation as a personal investment for an individual's future care
Support and guidance to help you meet national and local standards
This guide looks at general standards we expect from all new supply of supported living accommodation, a detailed breakdown of specifications on property designed for different cohorts of people and space standards.
The onus is on supported living providers and registered providers/ landlords to ensure that accommodation being used, as supported accommodation, is suitable for that purpose. These resources are intended as a guide to assist you in your decision making.
This guide looks at space standards we expect to see in accommodation used for supported living.
This tool is suggested for supported living providers to use when sourcing a property to meet an individual's needs.
You can use our online form to tell us about any proposals you have regarding new supported living accommodation.
We can then offer any relevant support and guidance, but will not be liable for any costs that you may incur related to your proposals.
Supported accommodation and support for people with autism and/or learning disability
CQC expect all Providers, existing and future, to understand their regulatory approach, national policy, current best practice, and principles of good, supported accommodation, as set out in Right support, Right care, Right culture. Please also see the PDF documents below:
- Service model for commissioners of health and social care services
- Building the right support
- Building the right home
- Learning disabilities and behaviour that challenges: service design and delivery
How your organisation can provide supported living services in Leicestershire
If you want to become a supported living provider for Leicestershire, please visit our Become a Supported living provider in Leicestershire page.
Contact us
For all other enquiries, please contact the Social Care Investment Programme team at scip@leics.gov.uk.