Professional Qualifications and Funding
Children develop rapidly in their early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five will have a major impact on their future life chances. Good parenting and high quality early learning, that gives children a broad range of knowledge, skills and understanding, together provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.
It is therefore vital the early years workforce is well-qualified with the appropriate knowledge, skills and experience to deliver high quality early education and childcare for children from birth to age five.
We would therefore aspire that all individuals working with our most vulnerable members of society be qualified to at least a Level 3. Many routes to Level 3 are available via adult apprenticeships. In most instances individuals with some experience will be able to enrol straight onto a Level 3 qualification.
However, some individuals will be more suited to undertaking a Level 2 qualification first. It is therefore likely that some of the workforce will be working towards a Level 2 or Level 3 qualification when they are employed in an early years provision. Individuals whilst being unqualified can still be counted in the staff:child ratio.
Students and apprentices (staff and volunteers aged 17+ and apprentices aged 16+) can now be included in the staff:child ratios at the level below their level of study, if the manager is satisfied that they are competent and responsible.
All staff who obtained a level 2 and/or level 3 qualification since 30 June 2016 must obtain a PFA qualification within three months of starting work in order to be included in the required staff:child ratios at level 2 or level 3 in an early years setting. To continue to be included in the ratio requirement the certificate must be renewed every 3 years.
For qualifications at or above Level 3 obtained after 1 September 2014 to count in the ratios at Level 3, staff must also have achieved a suitable Level 2 qualification in English as defined in the Early years qualification requirements and standards. Individuals wishing to develop their early years career into a management position a suitable level 2 qualification in maths must also be achieved within two years of starting a management position.
There are many qualifications which might appear to be relevant and at a specific level (Level 2, Level 3 etc) but are not full and relevant for delivering the EYFS. The Department for Education Early Years Qualification List stipulates exactly which current, new and old qualifications are full and relevant and therefore count in the ‘qualified Staff:Child' ratio when delivering the EYFS. They also include information on equivalent overseas qualifications.
For detailed information and guidance at each qualification level, please see the page links on the top left of this page. To help choose your training provider have a look through our guidance leaflets:
If you choose to go with a training provider who does not appear on the PDF local training provider list below, please email to double check this trainer and qualification. Sadly, there are many training companies who claim to offer Level 3 qualifications which are in fact NOT full and relevant in terms of delivering the EYFS and they WILL NOT COUNT as a Level 3 in terms of ratios.
Lists of qualifications that meet the DfE criteria for counting in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework Staff:child ratios for pre-September 2014 and from 1 September 2014.
Please also take a look at our Key questions checklist PDF to support you in selecting a training provider. If you require any support or assistance, please email
Experience-based route for early years staff
This route will allow suitable early years staff to be included in the staff to child ratios at level 3 without holding a full and relevant qualification, following a period of supervised practice.
Criteria for the experience-based route
How early years providers can implement the experience-based route for staff who do not hold full and relevant qualifications.
This guidance outlines the recommended approach for early years providers who are interested in carrying out the experience-based route for staff in their setting.
This guidance is for:
- registered early years providers required to comply with the Early years foundation stage statutory framework (GOV.UK) for group and school-based providers
- early years provider and premises managers
- early years staff
- school leaders, school staff and governing bodies in schools providing early years provision
The experience-based route: initial and final check form and record can be used:
- as a template when making assessments of staff proceeding with this route
- to record evidence of decision-making
This route is only available to providers and staff that meet the requirements set out in the Early years qualification requirements and standards (GOV.UK)
Help while you study
Find out about support for parents under 20, other learner support and the childcare grant:
Useful resources at GOV.UK
Parents under 20
Are you a parent aged under 20 years and studying for a publicly funded course at sixth form or college? Then you might get help with the costs of registered childcare through the Care to Learn Scheme where you could get up to:
- £180 per child per week if you live outside London
Parents can find more about eligibility and how to apply online at Care to Learn (GOV.UK)
Learner Support
Are you are a parent aged 19 years or over and studying for an NVQ, BTEC or PGCE and facing financial hardship, you could get help with childcare costs through Learner Support (GOV.UK)
You would apply for this through your education provider i.e. college. How much you get depends on your circumstances.
Depending on your circumstances, you could get:
- a loan
- a grant you do not have to pay back
- paid to someone else, for example an Ofsted-registered childcare provider
Childcare Grant
If you a parent in full time higher education, you can apply for help with childcare costs through the Childcare Grant scheme. You could get up to 85% of your costs paid and you won't have to pay it back and it will be a top up of your student finance award.
Further information is available at Childcare Grant (GOV.UK), including how to apply to Student Finance England.
The maximum you can get is:
- up to £188.90 a week for 1 child
- up to £323.85 a week for 2 or more children
Further reading
Core training and short courses
The minimum standards in relation to the ratio of qualification requirements for the early years workforce can be found in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and continue to be, in group settings.
In group settings on the early years register the manager must hold an approved Level 3 qualification (or higher) and at least half of the other staff must hold at least an approved Level 2 qualification (or higher). Managers appointed on or after 1 January 2024 must have already achieved a suitable level 2 qualification in maths or must do so within two years of starting in the position.
For children aged under two:
- There must be at least one member of staff for every three children.
- At least one member of staff must hold a full and relevant Level 3 qualification, and must be suitably experienced in working with children under two.
- At least half of all other staff must hold a full and relevant Level 2 qualification.
- At least half of all staff must have received training that specifically addresses the care of babies.
For children aged two:
- There must be at least one member of staff for every five children.
- At least one member of staff must hold a full and relevant Level 3 qualification.
- At least half of all other staff must hold a full and relevant Level 2 qualification.
For children aged three and over: (there are variations to this rule if a Level 6 qualified member of staff is in place)
- There must be at least one member of staff for every eight children.
- At least one member of staff must hold a full and relevant Level 3 qualification.
- At least half of all other staff must hold a full and relevant Level 2 qualification.
The above is clearly outlined and described in more detail in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.