Moderation and monitoring arrangements
Local agreement
Please read the local agreements for Key Stage 2 and EYFS.
Then, complete the online moderation and monitoring arrangements agreement form to agree to the Leicestershire moderation process for Key Stage 2. This form includes monitoring of the end of KS2 tests and the phonics screening check.
Monitoring arrangements agreement form
Staffing arrangements
You can now provide your school staffing arrangements online. Please complete the form below, by Friday 18 October 2024:
Year 6 staffing arrangements 2024-25
When you submit the form you will get an email confirmation of the information you have submitted.
Training for all teachers new to year 6 will take place during the autumn term 2024. KS2 greater depth standard writing training and KS2 writing moderation training will take place in January 2025. The courses will be advertised on Leicestershire Traded Services (LTS) so do please look out for these dates.
Early Years Foundation Stage
As you are aware the statutory duty for local authorities to moderate the EYFS has been removed. We will however continue to offer training and support for the EYFS and EYFS profile completion. This comprises of the following:
- Twice yearly ‘EYFS School Network’ sessions
- EYFS profile training for teachers new to the EYFS
- Agreement trialling for all EYFS teachers to support final EYFSP judgements
Our training opportunities will be available through the Head Teacher Briefing and on LTS.