Funding is currently available for children with SEND, who live in Leicestershire, and who attend or would like to attend an Out of School setting and require the support to do so.
Not all children with special educational needs require additional help to be successfully included in settings, indeed most settings meet the additional needs of children very well. However, in some circumstances children with additional needs can benefit from a higher than usual staffing ratio.
We would advise providers to access and read our SEND Out of School guide where you will find useful information and resources to support you before making an application:
The funding is intended to contribute towards identified additional support costs, with the rate set at £7.50 per hour and paid termly. Funding is also available towards training and resources.
If you have children who you think would benefit from this funding, please complete the online application, agree to the terms of the grant and return to the Early Years Inclusion and Childcare Service. This will then be put to a funding panel for approval.
OOS funding online application form
Please note:
- Applications will no longer be accepted ad hoc, and as funding is no longer backdated, providers must ensure they are submitted no later than 9am on the pre-panel date and holiday panels for the term or holiday they are applying for.
- Additional Panel dates have been provided within each term for those children who start later in a term or to allow for children’s transition and a settling in period to take place before deciding if an application for funding needs to be made.
- All regular Pre-panel and Full Panel dates for the year have been set, and this is when all online applications will be assessed, and funding awarded by the panel if the criteria is met and funding constraints allow.
- Outcome of Panel decisions will be communicated to settings via email within five working days of the full Panel meeting.
- Please do not contact us following either the Pre-Panel meeting or the full Panel meeting as this delays the process of information being sent out.
- If successful, funding can take up to three weeks to be paid from date of confirmation due to approval processes and due diligence.
- Submission of the correct online application, either full or repeat, will provide the Panel with an overview of what funding the children may have had previously, the changes to children’s needs, any changes in circumstance; including strategies that have been put into place, as well as feedback from previous monitoring visits. This will support Panel in their decision making.
- The setting will need to provide proof of application when questioning a missing application. Once the application has been submitted settings will automatically receive a summary of application and reference number. Please be aware that without this evidence no further action can be taken.
- The onus will be on providers to not automatically put in for 1-1 funding but to think if this is actually the best scenario for the child.
The panel will be looking that the needs of the child have been scrutinised to ascertain what support is needed and how this will benefit the child. They will also be looking to see what strategies the setting have put into place prior to applying for funding. This could be implementing for instance, the Positive Behaviour Support Toolkit, Backward Dressing and the Sensory Toolkit, which are all available on our dedicated Out of School Support and Resource webpage. - Additional funding could be towards additional adult support, for certain times of the day only, a shared support worker with other children with identified needs, for time limited support to support the child with transitions e.g. when a child first starts at your provision, or towards training and resources.
- A child that has 1-1 support at school through an Education Health Care Plan will not automatically be awarded 1-1 funding for the OOS.
School support is awarded for education. An OOS is a different environment and it is expected the OOS application will reflect this. - Please ensure you read the funding criteria fully before making your application.
Dates of funding panels
School holiday panel dates
- 26 November 2024 - Christmas Holiday (applications to be received by this date and decision made)
- 18 March 2025 - Easter Holiday (applications to be received by this date and decision made)
- 17 June 2025 - Summer Holiday (applications to be received by this date and decision made)
Summer term 2024
- 23 April - Pre-panel (applications to be received by this date)
- 30 April - Panel (decision made)
- 4 June - Pre-panel (applications to be received by this date)
- 11 June - Panel (decision made)
Autumn term 2024
- 10 September - Pre-panel (applications to be received by this date)
- 17 September - Panel (decision made)
- 5 November - Pre-panel (applications to be received by this date)
- 12 November - Panel (decision made)
Spring term 2025
- 7 January - Pre-panel (applications to be received by this date)
- 14 January - Panel (decision made)
- 25 February - Pre-panel (applications to be received by this date)
- 4 March - Panel (decision made)
Summer term 2025
- 29 April - Pre-panel (applications to be received by this date)
- 6 May - Panel (decision made)
- 3 June - Pre-panel (applications to be received by this date)
- 10 June - Panel (decision made)
Short Break Inclusion Funding
Short Break Inclusion Funding may be available to support a child aged 0-18 years with SEND who lives in Leicestershire to access a provision as stated in the criteria. The Family Help Service will have identified that it would be of benefit to the child and family to access this provision as a Short Break. Applications can only be submitted following a joint consultation between the provision, the family, the Play and Leisure Inclusion Officer.
For any more information about any of the strands of special educational needs funding, please contact the Early Years Inclusion and Childcare Service on 0116 305 7136.