We’ll keep in touch with to your teachers to see if you need any extra help in English or Maths, and we can talk to them for you if you have any problems too.
You’ll have a Personal Education Plan (PEP) to make sure things are right for you at school, because it’s important that you are happy. Adults who need to help with your education will have PEP meetings to talk about your progress and you can attend these meetings if you want to. After all, your feelings are the most important in the meeting.
Before you move up to secondary school, we’ll have an extra PEP meeting called a Transition Meeting. We’ll meet your new teacher and you can ask them any questions about anything you’d like to know.
Clubs and activities
Belonging to a school club is a fantastic way to meet and make friends, learn something new, have fun, increase your confidence and feel independent.
Reading is really fun – you can lose yourself in a good book! Why not join one of our book clubs?
Letterbox Club: For children in Years 1, 3, 5 and 7
Bookworm Club: For children in Reception and Year 2
Boomerang Club: For children in Year 4 and Year 6
If reading isn’t for you, why not see what other clubs your primary school has to offer and get involved!