Funding for Children in Care

Child reading a book

The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

The EYPP is available for eligible children and Looked-After Children accessing FEEE. It supplies additional money for children accessing their funded place to enhance the opportunities, support, and experiences offered as part of the child’s early education.

EYPP is paid in line with current FEEE hours along with the FEEE payment.

As part of the PEP meeting, the Virtual School will enquire as to how the EYPP is used to support learning and development.

Find further information and guidance on the EYPP and how to implement it successfully.

The Early Years service have also produced a handy one-page guide on allocation EYPP to support Children in Care (CIC):

What additional funding is available?

If a CIC attends your setting, or has been a CIC previously, they will be entitled to access the 15 hours 2 year FEEE the term after they turn 2 years.

If, in addition to fostering, the foster carers or kinship carers work, the term after the child is 9 months old, they may be able to claim 15 hours, or for 3 and 4 years 30 hours FEEE.

Neither the 2 year FEEE nor the 30 hour FEEE can be verified using the online facility, therefore you'll need to contact the child’s social worker in order to receive the relevant codes.

All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to receive 15 hours universal FEEE in an early years setting.

If a CIC receives disability living allowance (DLA), then the setting can also apply for the Disability Access Fund once the child is 3 years.