PEP Meeting Advice

The Personal Education Plan (PEP) meeting is a termly meeting that is held for each Child in Care and focuses on the child's education and any experiences in the child's life that can impact it.

Teacher, social worker, foster carer and child sat around a table at PEP meeting

We're working with schools and colleges to ensure that Children in Care have good quality PEP meetings where we set out plans for a child’s education and what we can do to offer extra support if and when needed.

PEP meetings are attended by the Designated Teacher (DT), social worker, foster carer, and child. They are chaired either by the Virtual School or the DT, but the DT is responsible for completing the cloud-based ePEP document. The DT will need to work closely with others in school to assess the specific educational needs of a looked-after child. Although the DT has the responsibility of leading on a Personal Education Plan, other staff in school may need to contribute to it.

All children who attend an Early Years setting will have two PEP meetings a year. Find further information on Early Years PEPs.

Planning advice for teachers

New DTs can contact the VS for training if they are unsure of how to complete the ePEP.

The PEP is part of the child’s care plan and as such it is the social worker’s responsibility to determine who should be invited and whether in the absence of any key invitees the meeting should proceed.

The VS PEP coordinator will arrange the date of the PEP meeting, unless it was agreed at the previous PEP meeting, and details of the meeting with the Teams link will be sent by the VS at least one week in advance of the PEP meeting.

Meetings should be attended by the social worker, the DT, the pupil (if they want to attend), and the carer.

Social workers may invite other relevant people e.g. fostering social worker, DT from the next school if the pupil is due to move schools. birth family may be invited by the social worker. A LAC nurse may be invited but is only likely to attend if there is a health concern.

Schools may invite other relevant members of staff e.g. class teacher, key adult.

For a meeting to be a PEP meeting, either a social worker or a VS officer needs to attend. If the school is chairing the meeting (i.e. a VS officer will not be there) and the social worker is unable to attend, the meeting can only be recorded as a review of the pupil’s progress, and it will not constitute a PEP, and the PEP meeting will need to be rearranged.

Before the meeting

Leicestershire is now using an online, cloud-based ePEP document. DTs will be provided with login details to access the form prior to a PEP meeting. Parts of the ePEP will be prepopulated, but the DT should fill in school updates before the meeting including:

  • current attainment and progress data
  • progress towards previous SMART targets
  • social skills and emotional development
  • how PPP has been spent
  • plans for this term’s PPP spending (including costings)

The pupil can be helped to complete the pupil views page. Find out if they want to attend all/part of the meeting (it may not be appropriate for some pupils to attend - check with the social worker if unsure). If the pupil wishes to attend, it may be necessary for adults to discuss anything it is not appropriate for them to hear before they come in. Please find discreet ways of completing the pupil views form and of calling them to their PEP meeting.

If school is chairing the meeting and completing the ePEP document, the DT should ensure that all relevant pages are completed and updated, including details of who attends and any apologies. The DT should ensure that the pupil’s details and contact information are correct but shouldn't add the carer’s contact details in case they are confidential.

If your young person spends some or all of the week in alternative provision, please ask the provider to complete the form below prior to the meeting:

In the meeting

The social worker should check/amend information about ‘permissions’ (who is the first point of contact etc.), but If the social worker cannot attend, they will check these pages when they receive the PEP document from the VS after the meeting.

The social worker should update the current care situation, identify any changes coming up, and consider if any issues have arisen since the last meeting which have implications for the pupil’s education. What are the contact arrangements? Is the pupil unsettled around contact with birth family? Does school have the contact dates in case s/he needs additional support around these times?

Carer update

Is the pupil happy to go to school? Do they do their homework readily? Is any further support needed from home to promote achievement? Is there effective home-school communication? Does the pupil have all necessary books/equipment/access to a computer at home?

Any issues identified should be addressed and appropriate actions added to the new targets page.

Pupil views

If the pupil is coming into the end of the meeting, this section can be completed then.

Note whether the pupil attended the meeting. If not, give reasons (e.g. it was not felt appropriate for X to attend the meeting or X chose not to attend the meeting). Share the information given on the pupil views forms. Discuss any issues raised by the child and note how they were addressed. Note who will feed back to the pupil if they don't attend the PEP meeting.

Any issues identified should be addressed and appropriate actions added to the new targets page.

Progress in reading, writing and maths

The information in the following sections is likely to link to the targets set, so it is a good opportunity to review the previous targets and set new targets (see information below about targets).

Prior attainment will be pre-populated. Fill in the boxes linked to progress and attainment. List interventions and/or additional support in place.

Any issues identified should be addressed and appropriate actions added to the new targets page.

Additional support for learning across the curriculum

Comment on progress, areas of strength/weakness, whether they need support etc. Include comments about English and maths. If a recent progress report is available, refer to it and attach a copy to the PEP document.

Comment on attitude to learning, engagement in lessons, focus, organisational skills etc. Identify any barriers to learning and how they are being addressed or agree how they will be addressed.

Any issues identified should be addressed and appropriate actions added to the new targets page.

Social skills and emotional wellbeing

Comment on relationships with peers and adults, how they work and play with others, friendships, behaviour, how well they are able to recognise, understand, and regulate their emotions.

Who are the key adults? Does a key adult meet and greet the pupil/check in regularly, and what other support is offered?

Any issues identified should be addressed and appropriate actions added to the new targets page.

Review of PPP and PEP targets set at the previous PEP meeting

The targets set at the previous PEP meeting will be pre-populated. Review progress towards each target and the impact of PPP funding if used.

Setting new targets

The targets outline what professionals will do to support the child to make progress. i.e. what we are going to do to enable this target to be met. You can include measures to be taken by other agencies e.g. VS book parcels/staff training, speech and language assessment/advice, EP assessment, but make sure you note who will be making contact and arranging the interventions.

Include targets for English and maths. Ensure targets are SMART. It is a good idea to have a short-term and long-term target, e.g. to count in multiples of 6, 7 and 9 by Easter. To be working at the expected standard by the end of the academic year.

Targets should relate to both academic and SEMH needs, including support for behaviour, emotional regulation, social skills, or friendships, depending on the needs of the pupil.

Year 11 students should have a target about post-16 choices/information and if a child is moving to a new class/school, include a target about transition.

In the third column, note any strategies, interventions, additional support or resources, including, but not limited to:

  • TA support; 1:1 tuition (how often, with whom)
  • homework club/resources (‘MyMaths’, revision guides, books)
  • speech and language sessions
  • pastoral/key adult support (access to student support base, daily meet and greet, weekly meetings, ELSA sessions)
  • mentoring
  • social and emotional skills interventions/programmes (nurture groups; worry monster/box etc.)
  • after school clubs, activities, and trips
  • additional transition visits
  • therapeutic interventions e.g. art/play/equine therapy

Indicate whether or not PPP is being used to fund the strategies and list the intended spending for the current term. Include costings e.g. 10 weekly sessions of 1:1 tuition @ £40 = £400

Please note: the VS will use the information in the PEP document to approve PPP spending which can then be released to schools.

  • Note the person responsible for the actions: DT/carer/social worker/VS.

Set a date and venue for the next meeting

After the meeting

Complete the ePEP form within 10 days, ensuring all relevant pages are completed, including targets and PPP spending. Once it is finished, press the ‘complete’ tab which will alert the VS officer that the document is ready to be quality assured.

The VS will quality assure the PEP document and if necessary, contact the DT or social worker for further information. The VS will send the completed PEP to the social worker who will then arrange for it to be distributed to carers and other professionals, and send to admin to upload it to Mosaic.

Meeting advice for social workers

The role of the social worker in the PEP meeting is vital.

Before the meeting

  • The PEP is part of the child’s care plan and as such it is the social worker’s responsibility to determine who should be invited and whether in the absence of any key invitees the meeting should proceed.
  • The VS PEP Coordinator will arrange the date of the PEP meeting, unless it was agreed at the previous PEP meeting, and details of the meeting with the Teams link will be sent by the VS at least one week in advance of the PEP meeting.
  • Meetings should be attended by the social Worker, the Designated Teacher (DT), the pupil (if they want to attend), and the carer.
  • Social workers may invite other relevant people e.g. fostering social worker, DT from the next school if the pupil is due to move schools. Birth family may be invited by the social worker. A LAC Nurse may be invited but is only likely to attend if there is a health concern.
  • Schools can invite other relevant members of staff e.g. class teacher, key adult.
  • For a meeting to be a PEP meeting, either a social worker or a VS officer needs to attend. If the school is chairing the meeting (i.e. a VS officer will not be there) and the social worker is unable to attend, the meeting can be a review of the pupil’s progress and it will not constitute a PEP, and the PEP meeting would need to be rearranged.
  • Leicestershire is now using an online, cloud-based ePEP document. Social workers have been provided with login details to access the form prior to a PEP meeting. Parts of the ePEP will be prepopulated, but the social worker should provide up to date information about ‘permissions’ (who is the first point of contact etc.) but If the social worker cannot attend, they will check these pages when they receive the PEP document from the VS after the meeting.

In the meeting

Introductions and personal information

The social worker should update the current care situation, identify any changes coming up, and consider if any issues have arisen since the last meeting which have implications for the pupil’s education. What are the contact arrangements? Is the pupil unsettled around contact with birth family? Does school have the contact dates in case s/he needs additional support around these times?

Any issues identified should be addressed and appropriate actions added to the New Targets Page.

Carer update

Is the pupil happy to go to school? Do they do their homework readily? Is any further support needed from home to promote achievement? Is there effective home-school communication? Does the pupil have all necessary books/equipment/access to a computer at home?

Any issues identified should be addressed and appropriate actions added to the New Targets Page.

Pupil views

If the pupil is coming into the end of the meeting, this section can be completed then.

Note whether the pupil attended the meeting. If not, give reasons (e.g. it was not felt appropriate for X to attend the meeting or X chose not to attend the meeting). Share the information given on the Pupil views forms. Discuss any issues raised by the child and note how they were addressed. Note who will feed back to the pupil if they do not attend the PEP meeting.

Any issues identified should be addressed and appropriate actions added to the New Targets Page.

Progress in reading, writing and maths, and additional support for learning across the curriculum

The Designated Teacher will provide information about academic progress and attainment, and any interventions or additional support already in place. Further discussion may be required to identify additional support and interventions.

Any issues identified should be addressed and appropriate actions added to the New Targets Page.

Social skills and emotional wellbeing

Comment on relationships with peers and adults, how they work and play with others, friendships, behaviour, how well they are able to recognise, understand, and regulate their emotions.

Who are the key adults? Does a key adult meet and greet the pupil/check in regularly, and what other support is offered?

Any issues identified should be addressed and appropriate actions added to the New Targets Page.

Review of PPP and PEP targets set at the previous PEP meeting

The targets set at the previous PEP meeting will be pre-populated. Review progress towards each target and the impact of PPP funding if used.

Setting new targets

Consideration should be given to whether the child is making expected academic progress, primarily in maths and English. If the child is not making expected progress, focus should turn to the reasons for not doing so; there may be social, emotional, or mental health (SEMH) issues that need addressing before a child can access learning.

If measures are in place to address SEMH issues appropriately, consideration should be given to additional maths and English provision (or any other subject identified as requiring support). Even if the child is making expected progress, it may aid the child to progress even further and support even more positive educational outcomes.

The PEP SMART targets outline what professionals will do to support the child i.e. what we are going to do to enable this target to be met; measures to be taken by other agencies can be included.
PPP funding is spent to the educational benefit of the individual child for whom it has been allocated and its use should address the child’s individual needs as identified in the Personal Education Plan (PEP).

Examples of PPP use:

  • Extra English/maths tuition
  • Therapeutic input e.g. Play therapy, Art therapy, Equine therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (through a registered CBT practitioner)
  • Counselling (where there is not already, and will not be CAMHS involvement)
  • A contribution towards costly residential, educational school trips, only when all other educational needs are being met

Please note: The Fostering Handbook advises that the foster carer’s weekly allowance should cover the following:

  • Food, including school lunches
  • Activities - including clubs, hobbies, and family days out
  • School activities - including trips, holidays, and associated equipment
  • Day to day transport by car or public transport
  • Clothing and school uniform

PPP should not be used to provide provision that would be in place anyway if the child was not in care.

The VS will use the information in the PEP document to approve PPP spending which can then be released to schools.

Date and venue for the next meeting

A date and venue for the next meeting should be agreed and recorded on the PEP.

After the meeting

The VS will quality assure the PEP document and if necessary, contact the DT or social worker for further information. The VS will send the completed PEP to the social worker who will then arrange for it to be distributed to carers and other professionals, and send to admin to upload it to Mosaic.