Training Opportunities

Regular updates and thorough training help us to ensure that Designated Teachers and social workers are equipped to support Children in Care.

Group of teachers during ice breaker exercise on training course

The courses below aim to support Designated Teachers in their role, and to promote an understanding of the needs of Children in Care and Previously Looked-After Children to all school staff.

Attachment-Aware Schools Report

Leicestershire Virtual School commissioned a report from the Rees Centre, University of Oxford to provide an independent assessment of the outcomes of the Attachment Aware Schools Programme 2016-17 delivered in schools by Leicestershire Virtual School trainers.

This research identified the impact of the training on participants and followed up on the outcomes achieved as a result of the implementation of attachment aware strategies in school. It identified six areas of impact and made some suggestions for next steps.

Induction training for new Designated Teachers

Aims: To provide information about:

  • the role of a Designated Teacher for Children in Care and Previously Looked-After Children
  • what happens when a child/young person is taken into care
  • the role of the Virtual School and how we work with schools
  • the barriers to learning and ways to support children and young people in care

Date: Thursday 16 January 2025, 9.30am - 1pm
Venue: TBC (in person)

Date: Thursday 1 May 2025, 9.30am - 1pm
Venue: TBC (in person)

Designated Teacher cluster session

This training is ideal for: Designated Teachers

A great opportunity to get together with other DTs to discuss best practice and key issues. Each session will focus on a particular issue (TBC).

Date: Wednesday 19 March 2025, 3.30pm - 5pm
Venue: TBC

Date: Wednesday 18 June 2025, 3.30pm - 5pm
Venue: TBC

Supporting Children with a Social Worker practice workshop

This training is ideal for: Designated Teachers, Designated Safeguarding Leads

A workshop session exploring how schools can work with families and social care to increase attendance and attainment of Children with a Social Worker.

Date and venue: TBC

Principles of Theraplay training

Theraplay is a therapeutic technique developed in the USA in the 1960s by clinical psychologist, Anne Jernberg. Theraplay is multisensory - it involves touch, movement, rhythm, eye contact, and experiences that help to regulate the brain.

This practical training session uses the Principles of Theraplay to encourage children to have fun, play and manage things in a different way.

Aims: To develop an understanding of how to support children to:

  • build attachment
  • promote trust
  • develop self-esteem and self-worth
  • organise and regulate feelings
  • stay calm
  • internalise motivation

Autumn term
Date: Tuesday 12 November 2024, 9.15am - 3.30pm
Venue: TBC (in person)
Cost: £45

Spring term
Date: Tuesday 1 April 2025, 9.15am - 3.30pm
Venue: TBC (in person)
Cost: £45

Book your place:

Governor training: Improving Outcomes for Children in Care

This training is ideal for: Governor/trustee with responsibility for vulnerable groups. You may wish to consider attending this training with your Designated Teacher for Children in Care.
Children who are in care are one of the lowest performing groups in terms of educational outcomes. This session will enable you to consider if your governing body is doing everything it can to support Children in Care and Previously Looked-After Children with their education.

Course objectives:

  • To understand the role of the Designated Teacher and a school's governing body
  • To highlight the statutory guidance and guidelines for effective working with Children in Care
  • To consider the key points and questions to support Ofsted inspections

Date: Tuesday 10 June 2025, 6pm - 8pm
Venue: Microsoft Teams

Booking is available via the Leicestershire Traded Services website.

Whole School Attachment and Trauma training


  • To understand the barriers to learning for children and young people who have had a difficult start in life, including the impact of trauma and attachment difficulties
  • To recognise what's behind children's behaviour
  • To develop strategies and approaches to use at school, including Emotion Coaching

This is a 2 hour session for whole staff groups which is delivered face-to-face (this can be delivered over two one hour sessions if preferred).

To book a convenient time for your school, email:

Cost of whole school training: There is currently no charge for this training.

Primary and Secondary KALM (Key Adult Learning Modules)

This training is ideal for: support staff in schools who are, or may become, key adults working with vulnerable children.


  • To understand the role of the key adult for Children in Care and other vulnerable children in schools
  • To increase understanding of children’s behaviour, including the impact of trauma and attachment needs
  • To understand how executive functioning difficulties affect learning and to learn strategies to support the development of executive functions
  • To become familiar with resources, strategies and activities to improve children’s emotional well-being, including Emotion Coaching and Theraplay activities
  • To be familiar with the use of assessment tools, including the Boxall Profile
  • To reflect on practice and ways to problem-solve difficult situations

Dates and venue: (NB there will be separate sessions for primary and secondary staff)

Participants must attend all 3 days of the chosen training

Primary KALM training

Autumn term dates:

  1. Tuesday 24 September 2024, 9.15am - 3.15pm, Groby Village Hall
  2. Tuesday 1 October 2024, 9.15am - 3.15pm, Park House, Glenfield
  3. Tuesday 29 October 2024, 9.15am - 3.15pm, Park House, Glenfield

Spring term dates:

  1. Tuesday 14 January 2025, 9.15am - 3.15pm
  2. Tuesday 21 January 2025, 9.15am - 3.15pm
  3. Tuesday 25 February 2025, 9.15am - 3.15pm

Venue: TBC (in person)


Secondary KALM training

Autumn term dates:

  1. Tuesday 15 October 2024, 9.30am - 3pm
  2. Tuesday 29 October 2024, 9.30am - 3pm
  3. Tuesday 12 November 2024, 9.30am - 3pm

Venue: Park House, Glenfield

Book your place:

Early Years Attachment and Trauma training, including Emotion Coaching

This training is ideal for: Early years settings and childcare providers

This online training helps early years settings to develop their skills to support this often vulnerable group of children. The training will share strategies including emotion coaching which can be used.


  • To understand the barriers to learning for children and young people who have had a difficult start in life, including the impact of trauma and attachment difficulties
  • To recognise what's behind children's behaviour and how settings can develop positive attachments
  • To develop strategies and approaches to use, including Emotion Coaching

Participants must attend both days for the chosen term.

Spring term dates:

  1. Thursday 6 February 2025, 1.30pm - 2.30pm
  2. Thursday 13 February 2025, 1.30pm - 2.30pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams


Summer term dates:

  1. Thursday 8 May 2025, 9.30am - 10.30am
  2. Thursday 15 May 2025, 9.30am - 10.30am

Venue: Microsoft Teams

Book your place:

Training for Social Workers

We also provide training for newly qualified social workers to help them support Children in Care to overcome the barriers they face in education.

Working with Traumatised Children: A Practice Approach

This training is ideal for: Newly qualified social workers, social workers, support and assessment workers, Early Help and Wellbeing practitioners who are working within Leicestershire County Council.

Aims: To gain an understanding of how schools can support vulnerable children, including:

  • the effect of trauma and attachment difficulties and how schools can address these barriers to learning
  • the effect of transitions and how to support children to cope with changes
  • developing social and emotional skills
  • the theory behind Emotion Coaching and the benefits of using it with children and adults
  • Secondary trauma and the impact of working with vulnerable children on your own wellbeing

Date: Thursday 13 March 2025, 1pm - 3.30pm
Venue: County Hall

Booking is available via the Learning and Development Hub.

Introduction to the Virtual School for ASYE’s and Children in Care Service

This training is ideal for: Newly qualified social workers and those who work directly with children who are looked-after, who are working within Leicestershire County Council.

Aims: The role of Leicestershire Virtual School and how to work effectively to promote better outcomes for Children in Care including:

  • Personal Education Plan (PEP) meetings
  • Pupil Premium Plus (PPP) funding
  • The role of Designated Teachers of Children in Care (DTs)
  • Admissions and supporting school moves
  • The education system including assessment, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities processes, exclusions
  • Promote learning

Date: Thursday 24 October 2024, 9.30am - 12pm
Venue: County Hall

Date: Thursday 13 March 2025, 9.30am - 12pm
Venue: County Hall

Booking is available via the Learning and Development Hub.