Find out more about some of the regular events we organise below. We may also arrange other events aside from these, and will let you know on the website, in our Virtual School newsletter, foster carer newsletter and by contacting carers directly. A full list of our current events can be found at the end of this page.
Children in Care Council (CiCC)
CiCC is a group of young people between 7 and 18 years old, who are cared for by Leicestershire County Council. The CiCC gives children and young people in care a say about things that really matter in their lives and a chance to shape and influence the services they receive. The CiCC meets once a month. For details, please contact Corporate.Parenting@leics.gov.uk
Beacon Voices
Beacon Voices is a choir open to children and young people aged 7-18 years old, who are in the care of Leicestershire County Council. The choir perform at the annual Celebration of Achievement Awards Event and at their Christmas concert.
Rehearsals are every week during term time (sometimes more leading up to a big performance), usually on a Monday, 5 to 7pm. For details, please contact Corporate.Parenting@leics.gov.uk
University experience days
At various times throughout the year, local universities offer a range of educational activities.
Experience Days at the University of Leicester (Years 5 and 6) and Loughborough University (Years 9 and 10).
Short Residential Visit at University of Leicester in June (Years 8 and 9). In 2017, this focussed on the importance of studying languages at GCSE and how this will help with jobs and further/higher education for young people. The children who attended were really inspired by this.
University Experience Summer School for young people aged 16-25 takes place over two days at the end of summer term, for those who want to experience university subjects and sample the social side of university life. This takes place at our three local universities; University of Leicester, Loughborough and De Montfort University.

Theatre trips
Often organised around set GCSE texts, students have the experience of seeing a live performance and will receive a book to support with their studies. We will usually go to a Christmas production too - in 2017 this was Scrooge at Curve Theatre.

Author events
Usually for younger children, these events give them the chance to meet a published author who will talk about the inspirations behind their stories and help them to develop their own characters and stories.
Music workshops
Giving students the opportunity to develop musical skills, compose, arrange and record their own songs and learn to play a musical instrument.

Tall Ships trip
This is a reward activity for young people at the end of Year 11 who have really tried hard at school and worked to the best of their ability. The trip is a five day residential spent on a catamaran, calling in at ports along the south coast of England and the Isle of Wight. As well have having great fun, students gain a Level One sailing qualification and get the chance to return the following year as a senior member.

Upcoming events
Currently there are no upcoming events.