Useful links

A quick way to find out about some of our environment and transport related services, including planned road works.

Your roads

Planned roadworks

Roadworks within boroughs and districts for the week. For emergency roadworks please see: One Network

Roadworks weekly update

Report a road problem

You can tell us about problems or defects on roads or pavements in the county, including blocked drains and overgrown hedges.

Adopted roads

Find out if your road is adopted, using our highways adoption status search tool It shows whether or not a road is maintained by us, as a highways authority. It's not a comprehensive list, but most roads are included.

Traffic management schemes

Find out about different traffic schemes that are available to improve roads in your local area or help solve a local issue.

Funding for communities

Communities can access a number of funding opportunities through Leicestershire communities and other sources of funding

Environment Matters newsletter

Take a look at our autumn edition. You can also sign up to our mailing list to receive the newsletter by email.


Information on agendas, minutes, and reports from Leicestershire County Council meetings.