Partnerships with parents
Practitioners can direct parents/carers to an easily accessible guide. This resource gives advice on what parent/carers can do and points them in the right direction for other support they may need:
Parent Cards
We all know that sharing information with parents is vital but getting information from parents about their child's achievements at home can be tricky. Here are some sheets that you could use with a lovely opening line on them which may help parents to give you information that you need.
Talk Tickets
This is a simple way of encouraging parents to engage with their children in everyday meaningful language:
Parent Posters
The idea of the posters is to give parents evidence of their children’s good speech, language and communication practices, in their own words. Practitioners work with families to develop a set of posters that show children and their parents communicating in real situations. The posters carry clear, simple messages and refer to an aspect of learning and development from the EYFS.
Parents featured on the posters act as role models for others to copy their ideas, and reinforce the key message that ‘any time is time to talk’.
Babble Back
The Babble Back campaign was developed in Charnwood to support work with families with children under 2. The campaign aims to provide families with information to help their children learn to smile, listen and eventually talk. The information leaflets support parent partnerships and children’s communication development.
Parent Workshop Resources
These workshops contain tried and tested ideas that will enable you to work in partnership with parents. The workshops have ideas that can be continued in the setting and in the home to develop children's communication skills.
The resources below have been planned to work in any setting - download the file and use the session plans as they are or adapt them to suit your setting, children and parents.