Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

Supporting leaders and managers in making the best choices to make the biggest difference for disadvantaged children.

Implementing EYPP successfully

Providing this additional funding in the early years has the potential to give children from disadvantaged backgrounds the best start in life and narrow the attainment gap. What will make a difference to young children’s lives? The following information and resources will support leaders and managers in making the best choices to make the biggest difference.

It is not the Government but Ofsted that will hold providers to account for how the EYPP has been used to support disadvantaged children. This will be done through the regular inspection process. It will be Ofsted's task to monitor the impact of funding. The effective use and impact of the EYPP will be assessed under the Ofsted inspection leadership and management judgement.

Evidence and research

How the EYPP is spent will determine whether it makes a difference

The aim of the EYPP is to raise attainment among disadvantaged children. It provides additional funding to early years providers for disadvantaged children to ensure they benefit from the same educational opportunities as children from wealthier families. If the EYPP is to succeed in achieving its ambitious aims, the choices that early years providers make in spending the funding are of vital importance. Providers need to adopt an evidence based approach

It is clear that different ways of spending the funding can have very different impacts on children’s attainment and even when a decision to implement a particular strategy has been made there are a wide variety of factors which will determine its impact.

Educational research can help early year’s providers to get the maximum ‘value for money’ both in terms of making an initial choice between different strategies and also in implementing a strategy effectively.

Ideas for using EYPP funding

Here are links to ideas and resources to help you plan the most effective use of the funding.

Ideas for using EYPP funding

Supporting Children in Care

All children who are currently in care and attend your setting are eligible to receive the Early Years Pupil Premium.

Support for allocating EYPP when children are meeting learning and development age related expectations

Evidencing impact

The DfE are clear that providers will be expected to evidence outcomes as a result of the funding allocated and this will be assessed as part of the OfSTED inspection.

Early Years Inspection handbook 2023 states that:

74.  In group provision, the inspector must track a representative sample of 2 or more children across the inspection. The inspector should discuss with the provider what they intend the relevant children to learn and remember based on what those children know and can already do. The evidence collected must refer to:

  • the impact of any early years pupil premium funding on the children’s development.

178. Inspectors will evaluate how well:

  • leaders use additional funding, including the early years pupil premium where applicable, and measure its impact on disadvantaged children’s outcomes.


Ensure that staff know who there EYPP children are and what interventions are in place. Be prepared to discuss with the inspector about your EYPP children. Some possible lines of enquiry the inspector might use are:

  • Who are your EYPP children?
  • What kind of support do they need?
  • What is preventing them from achieving as well as their peers?
  • Tell me how you spent the funding? Why?
  • How do you know this was the most effective way of supporting the child/family?
  • What was/has been the IMPACT of the interventions you put in place?
  • How is the quality/effectiveness of the interventions monitored?
  • What was successful?
  • What was less successful?