Pupil Premium
We have developed a leaflet for parents to raise awareness of the link between Free School Meals and the Pupil Premium in schools. It explains why it is important parents register their child for Free School Meals and give details on how they can check for eligibility.
Guidance on how the leaflet should be used:
- Leaflets are for parents – we recommend that individual parents make the call themselves to the Free School Meals (FSM) team wherever possible (calls can be made before the child starts school – i.e. from May/June).
- Early years providers/schools may support individuals to make the call to the FSM team should that be necessary. They can also call on behalf of a parent (with permission) but this should be in exceptional circumstances.
- LCC expect pre-schools/schools to refer to and follow their own data protection policies in relation to sharing information for the purposes of the PP and FSM.
- Pre-schools/schools should not send in completed leaflets to LCC – the leaflet contains a “notes section” and this should only be used as such, as a prompt for parents so they know what questions they are likely to be asked when they call the FSM team.
Top tips on working together to support children and families in relation to the Pupil Premium:
- Before children start in Year R, work with your feeder settings and childminders to identify children and families who may be likely to be eligible for Pupil Premium funding – it is your responsibility to ensure that, wherever possible, children do not miss out on funding they are entitled to.
- It is likely that EYPP children go on to be eligible for the Pupil Premium once they are in school but it is not 100% definite.
- Be aware that the funding works differently for the Early Years Pupil Premium (paid to early years providers) and the Pupil Premium (paid to schools) in how it is paid out, in relation to the eligibility criteria and in how eligibility is checked.
- Ask feeder settings/ childminders how they spent the EYPP funding for certain children – ask them what worked, what didn’t, what suggestions would they make in relation to continuing to support the child and family.
- Use the leaflet to instigate conversations with relevant families about the Pupil Premium in schools – decide between yourself and your feeder settings/childminders who will do this (ideally before the child starts school).
- Ensure all staff read the leaflet and are aware of the Pupil Premium, including how parents can check for eligibility.
- If parents express a request for support be sure to have systems in place.