Support for EYFS in primary schools

EYFS Profile Assessment

Assessment Materials

The EYFS Profile Handbook, EYFS Profile exemplification materials and the Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (A.R.A.) are published annually. It is vital that you refer to the most current versions.  

EYFS Profile Handbook

The Handbook has been developed to support practitioners in making accurate judgements about each child’s attainment. It provides advice and guidance on the various elements of EYFS Profile assessment, in particular:
•    principles, purposes and processes of the EYFS Profile;
•    completing the EYFS Profile
•    exemplification of the ELGs
•    documenting each child’s attainment
•    inclusion
•    moderating EYFS Profile judgements and
•    quality assuring the assessments.

EYFS Profile: exemplification materials

These exemplification materials are split into each of the 17 early learning goals (ELGs) of the early years foundation stage (EYFS) profile. They include a variety of different types of evidence of children’s learning and show how practitioners can gather information that supports their EYFS profile judgements. The materials also include a number of ‘learning journeys’ that illustrate how a child might progress through an ELG and how their attainment can be recorded.

Early years foundation stage: assessment and reporting arrangements  

The guidance explains the process for:
•    completing the early years foundation stage (EYFS) profile
•    moderating the profile
•    reporting and using the results

EYFS profile template

Schools find this grid useful for summarising EYFSP scores for individual children. It is a useful document for sharing information with with year 1 teachers, leaders/managers and moderators.

It is non-statutory - please use, amend and adapt it as you see fit.


See our primary school moderation page for more information about EYFS profile moderation.