Primary University Inspiration Day - 5th March 2019

The Primary University Inspiration Day gave our primary aged children the opportunity to visit the University of Leicester and gain an insight into what it is like to be involved in Higher Education.

University of Leicester building

The day started in the Charles Wilson building with the arrival of 12 young people and their designated key persons from school. The first activity began with looking at motivation, why anyone over the age 18 would choose to go to university and they were told about the huge range of subjects to choose from. The pupils met their ambassadors for the day and they had the opportunity to ask questions about their courses and discuss and compare differences to school and university life.

The two Virtual School groups were then given a campus tour around the Leicester campus, explored the huge library that was opened by the Queen, and saw other university facilities like the gym and the canteen areas. They were told what the university has to offer and were surprised to find out that a princess had also graduated from the university in 2014.

Before lunch the pupils got creative, making and decorating their very own mortar boards ready for graduation, followed by an archology activity where they matched pictures to the information which got everyone in the groups involved. Then there was the challenge of making a mosaic, using different lengths of string to help with the measurements.

The children who attended the day had a great time and were greatly involved throughout the day, asking questions and working together and making their own graduation mortar boards. Feedback was positive, with children finding the event helpful in finding out what university looks like, what you can study and how it will motivate them to do well in school.

The Virtual School are proud with how well everyone behaved and fully involved themselves in the activities throughout the day.

Leicestershire Matters

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