Causeway guide
One Network is a unique digital web-based road management platform that provides information on changes to roads and temporary disruptions such as roadworks.
One Network connects road operators, utilities, contractors, traffic management teams and the public with an aim to reduce disruption, keep traffic moving and improve journeys. See guide on using below:
Parish Pilot
The Parish Pilot initiative has been launched with an aim of supporting parish and town councils and community organisations with carrying out small-scale improvements to their local areas around extra grass cutting, asset maintenance, public rights of way maintenance, painting assets, sign cleaning and weeding.
The 12-month pilot commenced in October 2023 and, if successful, will be rolled out October 2024.
The schemes have been identified for the pilot, but if you are a parish or town council or a community organisation and have a scheme you would like to be added to the wait list for October 2024, or require more information, please contact the Special Projects team on
Vegetation post card
Training has been provided to a number of parish and town councils on the post card initiative. This initiative enables parish and town councils to issue post cards to residents in the event of nuisance vegetation over the highway.
If you would like more information or to access this training, or you require extra post cards, please contact the Special Projects team on
Licencing of apparatus over, along or across a public highway (S178)
There is new guidance on the licencing process for any apparatus that you may propose to attach to a street lighting column owned by us.
Such apparatus may include (but not be limited to):
- hanging baskets
- seasonal decorations
- banners
- CCTV cameras
- ANPR cameras
- Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS)
- speed indicator devices
- wi-fi equipment
- catenaries (a system of overhead wires above the highway used to support electricity cables)
Also see: Attachments to highway lighting columns, and Street lighting columns and structural testing below.
Street lighting columns and structural testing
See our frequently asked questions and a copy of the Licence Application Pack for attaching decorations and hanging baskets etc. for lamp posts:
Find out if a road is unadopted
To find out if a road is unadopted in most cases you can use the Highway adoption status search it allows anyone to find the adoption status of any street in the County. You can also use Find my street, which includes a map where you can click on any street to find the overall maintenance responsibility and classification.
As these are underpinned by two different datasets there may be discrepancies, these should be reported to as well as any queries about highway status/extent.
Our role in the planning process
Our role as the Local Highway Authority in the planning process is as a statutory consultee. This means that Local Planning Authorities, LPAs (district/borough councils and the county council) consult with us on planning applications where they consider that there will be an impact on the local highway network.
In 2020/21 we responded to over 3,000 consultations on planning applications.
Our Highway Development Management team provide advice to the LPAs. This can include advising conditions to be included on Decision Notices, advising contributions are sought for highway infrastructure, or advice of refusal. The LPAs, in reaching their decision on planning applications, will consider this advice, along with responses from other statutory consultees e.g. parishes, and any other representations.
Our advice is based on factual evidence, and takes into account the latest policy and guidance including the National Planning Policy Framework and the Leicestershire Highway Design Guide.
Flooding – Who does what
We are the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) which covers:
- investigating reported flooding occurrences (mainly where properties have been flooded internally) after the event in priority of the flooding impact
- being the statutory consultee for Major Planning Applications
- issuing consents for works on watercourses and can enforce to ensure flow is maintained in the watercourse (under the Land Drainage Act)
- having a responsibility for strategic flood risk management planning (co-ordination role with other risk management authorities)
Other responsibilities are held by:
- Land Owners – the owner of the land or property next to or over a river, stream, ditch or piped flow of water (culvert) that forms part of a watercourse, is legally termed a ‘riparian landowner’ of that section of the watercourse
- The Environment Agency – manages the risk of flooding from main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea, as well as being a coastal erosion risk management authority
- Highway authorities (LCC) – are responsible for highway drainage. We are the highways authority for Leicestershire Water and sewerage companies
- Water and Sewerage companies – are responsible for managing the risks of flooding from water and foul or combined sewer systems (Severn Trent Water and Anglian Water in Leicestershire)
More information about flooding and who to contact can be found at Flood Risk Know What to Do and Be Aware - Flooding.