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Parish Newsletter archive

Call for volunteer snow wardens

Leicestershire County Council is launching the snow warden scheme again this season and would like to invite Parish and Town Councils to get involved to help your community during the coming winter.

The snow warden scheme is primarily intended to provide local treatment of key footways during periods of prolonged snow and ice.

The pressure that severe winter conditions places on County Council resources means that we are not able to treat footways ourselves. 

Training for Winter season 2024/25

Training has been arranged on the following dates:

  • Thursday 19 September 2024 (10am - 12.30pm)
  • Tuesday 8 October 2024 (10am - 12.30pm)

The training will be held at Croft Depot, Arbor Rd, Croft, LE9 3GE.

This training is for new wardens or as a refresher course for existing wardens. Equipment and induction booklet will be provided at the session.


If your parish council would like to book a place on this training or review further options for training, please contact

How do I get involved?

If your Parish and Town Council would like to participate, this involves the following:

  1. The Parish and Town Council identifies a snow warden, either an individual who undertakes grounds maintenance tasks or a volunteer.
  2. The County Council will agree with the Parish and Town Council a schedule of footways that would be treated (marked maps with routes would be supplied).

  3. The County Council will provide the necessary equipment for the snow warden which includes protective clothing, shovel, brush, and wheelbarrow.

  4. The snow warden will undertake the relevant training provided by Leicestershire County Council before they are able to carry out any duties. This will cover safe working practices, manual handling, salt use etc.

  5. The snow warden will be indemnified against any third-party claims providing they operate within the terms of the agreement and adhere to the safety guidelines outlined in the training provided.

  6. Written agreement will be drawn up between both parties (Parish/Town Council and Leicestershire County Council) to cover this service.

  7. During extreme conditions of snow and ice, participating Parish and Town Councils will be notified by telephone to agree commencement of the footway treatment. If however communication is not received from the County Council, Parish and Town Councils would be encouraged to report any areas of concern, this will enable us to work collaboratively to clear the area.

  8. The County Council will make a contribution payment towards the cost of the hours worked.  This is invoiced by the Parish and Town Council after each period of severe weather, identifying the dates and hours worked, without this information it would be impossible to process payment. Currently the level of contribution is £6.89 per hour worked, but this is subject to review. This payment is a contribution to the Parish and Town Councils, not the individual. Remuneration to snow wardens by the Parish and Town Councils is at their discretion.

Other news

Local Transport Plan (LTP4)

The demands placed on Leicestershire’s transport infrastructure are changing rapidly and investment is needed to enable the network to adapt to climate change, promote active and health living and aid the delivery of new jobs and housing. Changes in travel behaviour are also significant. Along with choices around the demand for lower carbon forms of travel and the ageing population this all leads to it being the right time to prepare a new LTP.

A new LTP known as LTP4 will set out how the Transport network will support delivering the Council’s Strategic Plan and its five strategic priorities. These are Clean and Green, Great Communities, Safe and Well, Improved Opportunities and Strong Economy, Transport and Infrastructure.

Our Vision for Transport - “Delivering a safe connected, efficient and resilient transport network to support the ambitions and health of our communities, deliver economic prosperity whilst safeguarding our environment”.

Local Engagement - This is an important part of the process to make sure that your views are represented in the plan. Due to the General Election our public consultation has been paused but you will be informed of our new proposed timescales for consultation in due course. 

Network North

In October 2023, the Government announced the cancellation of the HS2 north of Birmingham and that funds had been reallocated to the Midlands and the North under the umbrella of the Network North plan. 

This funding is in addition to existing resources to ensure the benefits are realised in the North and Midlands region. This funding will be split and cover the following areas:

Local Transport Fund (£238m for 7 years from 2025/26)

In February 2024, the government published the Local Transport fund allocations 2025 to 2032. This funding has been allocated by formula, based on the population and levelling up need of each local transport authority area. The focus of this funding is to:

  • Drive better connectivity within local towns, suburbs and cities
  • Drive better connectivity between local towns and cities
  • Improve everyday local journeys for people

Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP+) and Network North Public Transport Funding (£7.63m 2023/24 to 2024/25

This funding is to improve passenger transport by delivery the best overall outcomes in growing long-tern patronage, revenues, and therefore maintaining bus service levels and providing essential social and economic connectivity for local communities

Road Resurfacing Fund (minimum uplift of £131m over 11 years)

This funding is for local highways maintenance, particularly the resurfacing of carriageways, cycleways and footways to prevent potholes and other road defects from occurring. £2.258 million was received in each of 2023/24 and 24/25 and we are awaiting announcement on the remaining funding.

Grass Cutting

The urban grass cutting programme commenced earlier this year on 2 April which has resulted in less complaints, the third cut is in progress. 

Thirty-three parishes carry out their own grass cutting under a service level agreement with LCC and receive a contribution to the cost. If your parish is interested, please contact us over the summer to be signed up by 31 January 2025, please email if you are interested.

The second rural cut (visibility splays and a single swathe) is now complete. No complaints from Wildlife campaigners to-date, mainly due to the wildlife verge scheme and the omission of the single swathe on the first cut. 

Weed Treatment

The first weed treatment has now been completed. The second will be in August/September. 

Complaints are down on previous years.

The weed treatment programme is designed to arrest and control growth rather than achieve weed free roads. 

The programme of works can be found on the Grass Cutting webpage.

Urban wildlife verges

If you wish to develop your own wildlife verge. Expressions of interest to be received by 31 October 2024.

Leicestershire Collaborate to Accelerate (LCAN)

Successful funding bid of £2.6m to accelerate decarbonisation in Leicestershire - Community Energy South, Green Fox Community Energy and Leicestershire County Council are working in partnership to deliver a climate action programme called Community Energy Pathways.

The programme aims to build up community energy capacity across Leicestershire, supporting a network of new community energy organisations to establish locally driven low carbon projects and take action on climate change. The programme offers communities a real opportunity to take part in Leicestershire's future energy system. The Green Fox website provides further information and advice on how to join up.