FEEE information for providers

Leicestershire's Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE)

FEEE Guidance and Policies

FEEE guidance

Below are the local guidelines for the delivery of funding for children aged 9 months to 4 years, as well as relevant headcount and payment calendars.

FEEE payments

Disability Access Funding (DAF)

Change of circumstance

If you have a change of circumstance relating to your business it may affect your access to the funding and it is important that you make the local authority aware as soon as possible. You do not need to complete all aspects of the form - only the sections relating to your circumstances.

Where a change of bank details has taken place we will require some evidence of the bank details i.e. a paying in slip or a blank voided cheque. The bank account name must reflect the registered provision name.

Please be aware if you email the form back to us that we do not have secure email.

IDACI Postcode Check

The Income Deprivation Affecting Children Indices (IDACI) score for any postcode can be found on the DfE IDACI website.

Enter a postcode or multiple postcodes (on separate lines) in the box on this website and click 'Get Deprivation Data'.

This will give you two files - choose the Excel (XLSX) format. The rank of IDACI (Column W) is the element that will be used to calculate the Deprivation Payment for each child’s postcode.

The table shows the monetary value that will be assigned to each rank of IDACI values:
IDACI rank from IDACI rank to Deprivation rate per hour
1 9744 8 pence
9745 22737 4 pence

An IDACI Rank of more than 22737 will not receive a monetary value.

Registering to provide FEEE for the first time

Any Ofsted registered childcare provider or childminder registered with a childminding agency (CMA) can apply to access the Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) funding for children aged 9 months and upwards.

If you are registered with Ofsted or a CMA but have not yet received your first inspection, you will be eligible to claim for children who are entitled to the Working Parent Entitlement, the 2-year funding for families receiving some additional forms of government support and for the universal 3- and 4-year-old funding.

If you receive a Good, Outstanding or Effective grade from Ofsted / the CMA, you will be able to continue claiming for the Working Parent Entitlement, the 2-year funding for families receiving some additional forms of government support and for the universal 3- and 4-year-old funding.

If you receive a Requires Improvement grade from Ofsted / the CMA, you will be able to continue claiming for the Working Parent Entitlement and for the universal 3- and 4-year-old funding only.

Once you are registered with us you will become a member of Leicestershire's Directory of Early Years Providers. There are certain expectations and requirements for you to complete on a periodic basis, so we encourage you to apply as and when the demand arises.

If you wish to provide the FEEE funding please read the FEEE Toolkit and complete the application form to register.

FEEE good practice

Resources to support Leicestershire's providers to deliver the Free Early Education Entitlement.

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Anycomms+ allows providers to send information to the local authority safely and securely. It will also allow providers to send files to each other, and to schools, and to other AnyComms+ users (e.g. Health, SENA).

Accessing AnyComms+

Log in to the Leicestershire County Council Secure File Transfer site and follow the user guide which gives full details on how to use the system.

If you have forgotten your password or memorable word, please email AMAdminSystemsSupport@leics.gov.uk or phone 0116 305 7785 and select Option 2, then Option 4.

Provider Portal

By using the Provider Portal, settings can

  • Validate the Working Parent Entitlement eligibility codes
  • Submit headcount information, adjustment information (including parental details, which will allow us to confirm eligibility for EYPP on your behalf) and submit documents to support DAF
  • Access your Payment Period Summary which includes pending and completed payments
  • Update setting and contact information by completing a Provider Self Update Form

You will be able to submit children’s information multiple times, so making the system more flexible in line with requests from parents or if you notice any mistakes during the open period, these can be rectified and then the headcount task resubmitted. 

Additionally you will be able to view previously submitted tasks – allowing you to marry up payments with claims far more easily.

For guidance on using the Provider Portal, please visit our dedicated webpage

FEEE Fair Processing

Full details on how we collect, store, protect and share information can be found on our data protection and privacy page.  Providers and parents can view the Children and Family Services Education Fair Processing Notice and request personal information by completing an online form.

FEEE policies

Further reading