Virtual School and White Christmas
To embrace the Christmas spirit, the Virtual School took a group of young people to Curve Theatre to see a performance of White Christmas.

Attachment Awareness Works - Successful Practice in Schools
Wednesday 28th November saw the 2018 Leicestershire VS conference take place at the NSPCC National training Centre.

Tall Ships Reunion
In November we held a reunion for the young people and the Virtual School staff who were on the Tall Ships trip together in July.

2019 Virtual School calendar
The 2019 Children in Care, Virtual School desk calendar is now available.
ALL photos were taken by Leicestershire Children in Care, Virtual School students who took part in a competition to be featured in the calendar.
ALL photos were taken by Leicestershire Children in Care, Virtual School students who took part in a competition to be featured in the calendar.

Maths Inspiration and National Sea Life Centre Trip
On Thursday 15th November the Virtual School took young people to see the Maths Inspiration Show at The New Alexandra Theatre in Birmingham.

Anti-bullying week
Leicestershire Virtual School demonstrate their support for #antibullyingweek and #chooserespect by sporting a natty variety of podal adornments.

Welcome to the new home of the Leicestershire Virtual School website!
This should be the first place you turn to for information about all education issues affecting Leicestershire looked after children and previously looked after children.
You will find information about all our exciting upcoming events in the Events section and we will be reporting on all those that have already taken place in the Latest News section.
We are keen to get your feedback on the content, so please contact us by email on virtualschool@leics.gov.uk
This should be the first place you turn to for information about all education issues affecting Leicestershire looked after children and previously looked after children.
You will find information about all our exciting upcoming events in the Events section and we will be reporting on all those that have already taken place in the Latest News section.
We are keen to get your feedback on the content, so please contact us by email on virtualschool@leics.gov.uk

Year 7 Activity Day at Beaumanor Hall
On Sunday 14th October, the Virtual School invited children in Year 7, who have just started secondary school, to an activity day at Beaumanor Hall. As well as having fun, this gave them an opportunity to meet the Virtual School youth workers and to voice their ideas about future participation events, PEP meetings and transitions from primary to secondary school.

Music Course (13-17 August 2018)
This summer, the Virtual School supported 8 young people aged 12-16 to take part in a music project with Pedestrian, a Leicester-based charity delivering workshops in music, art and media.

A Day in the Woods
What a brilliant time we had in the woods during the summer holidays, with an amazing group of children and carers!

Apprenticeships for Care Leavers
In February 2018, 23.6% of Leicestershire’s 16 to 18 year old care leavers were not in employment education or training (NEET) compared to 2.1% for all Leicestershire young people of the same age (November 2017).

Tall Ships 2018 - Final Day
The night sail was one of the highlights of the Virtual School Tall Ships trip.

Tall Ships 2018 - Day 3
Wednesday was such an action-packed day that we didn't have time to write the blog until the following morning

Tall Ships 2018 - Day 2
It was lovely to wake up to a view of the beach this morning. It was another sunny day, but with a pleasant cooling breeze.

Tall Ships 2018 - Day 1
We set off from County Hall a little bit late but arrived in Portsmouth on time...

Tall Ships 2018 - Pre-trip meeting
Last night's meeting was arranged so that the group could meet each other and find out more about the Tall Ships week in July.

Participation Event - An Officer and a Gentleman
On the 19th April staff from the Virtual School took a group of young people to see An Officer and a Gentleman at Curve theatre in Leicester.

Primary University Experience Day 2018
On Thursday 15th March, 15 young people from Years 5 and 6 took part in the Leicester University Experience Day.

National Association of Virtual School Heads' annual conference
Last week I attended the National Association of Virtual School Heads' (NAVSH) annual conference in London.