Our new Road Safety Programme is for children aged 4 to 18 years old. The aim of this programme is to help save lives and provide children with the skills and knowledge on how to travel safely throughout the years.
Programme delivery
We will be going into schools to teach this programme, as well as providing the resources to schools, for you to use in the classroom and to share out Road Safety messages.
We are in the trial phase of this programme and are currently working with children in Reception up to Year 6.
We have created lesson plans, PowerPoints and activities for teachers to use in the classroom.
Reception / Foundation
We start by looking at themes about how to cross a road safely using:
- our Road Safety Hand
- the 5 key steps to consider before crossing;
- stop
- look
- listen
- think
- hold hands
Year 1
We will go back over how to cross a road safely before looking at safe places to cross, . Our Road Safety Hand highlights 5 key places to cross:
- zebra crossings
- toucan crossings
- puffin crossings
- school crossing patrol
- under and over passes
Year 2
After revisiting what we have learned in reception / foundation and year 1, we will look at Scooter Safety. This includes:
- how to check a scooter before riding it
- how to stay safe whilst riding a scooter
Junior Road Safety Officer (JRSO)
The JRSO scheme is operated in schools. Children are selected by the school to become Road Safety Champions to encourage children to travel actively. The children will become role models in their school and will help to deliver sessions and assemblies to other pupils on how to stay safe when using the road.
Our resource will cover:
- the role of a JRSO
- benefits of a JRSO
- ideas a JRSO could use to get the Road Safety Message out in their school